Aston Mar­tin DB5 Con­ver­ti­ble

Aston Mar­tin DB5 Con­ver­ti­ble — The dream of the bou­le­vard

Aston Mar­tin — the per­fect sym­bio­sis of ele­gan­ce, sta­tus and spor­ty vehic­le data and has always been one of the best brands in the sports car seg­ment. In the open-top ver­si­on, the DB 5 Con­ver­ti­ble is not just a car, it is a legend. A sym­bol of the histo­ry of luxu­ry cars. With its deli­ca­te yet very spor­ty lines, the Aston Mar­tin DB5 Con­ver­ti­ble embo­dies the quint­essence of luxu­ry and sports car con­s­truc­tion. From its tim­e­l­ess beau­ty to its impres­si­ve per­for­mance, the DB5 is a true mas­ter­pie­ce of auto­mo­ti­ve craft­sman­ship. Each vehic­le is meti­cu­lous­ly assem­bled by high­ly skil­led craft­smen.

Aston Mar­tin is renow­ned for its limi­t­ed pro­duc­tion and bespo­ke opti­ons. This con­tri­bu­tes to the exclu­si­vi­ty and rari­ty of the vehic­les, which increa­ses the fasci­na­ti­on for coll­ec­tors and enthu­si­asts. Only 123 examp­les of the DB 5 Con­ver­ti­ble were pro­du­ced in total. The engi­ne is an in-line six-cylin­der made of light alloy and the body is made of alu­mi­ni­um.

The DB 5 was built from 1963 to 1965. Aston Mar­tin was foun­ded in 1914 and taken over by David Brown in 1949. Sin­ce then, the­re have been model series with the DB in front of the num­ber.

Num­e­rous docu­ments bear wit­ness to the exten­si­ve res­to­ra­ti­on of the vehic­le. The car was rebuilt in the ear­ly 2000s by the renow­ned Aston Mar­tin spe­cia­list work­shop Roos in Switz­er­land with gre­at effort and exper­ti­se. The engi­ne was com­ple­te­ly over­hau­led by a spe­cia­list work­shop as recent­ly as 2019.

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