BMW 328

BMW 328 — From roads­ter to legend

1937 Inter­na­tio­nal Auto­mo­bi­le and Motor­cy­cle Exhi­bi­ti­on IAMA in Ber­lin. Visi­tors crowd around a small sports car at the BMW stand. It was alre­a­dy clear at the time that the BMW 328 pre­sen­ted here would beco­me a racing icon. Its 2.0‑litre inline six-cylin­der engi­ne was a tech­ni­cal mas­ter­pie­ce, pro­du­cing an out­put of 80 hp. The power-to-weight ratio, the beau­tiful, stream­li­ned alu­mi­ni­um body and the inno­va­ti­ve tech­no­lo­gy show­ed a clear plan — the BMW 328 was an out­stan­ding sports car and built for the race track. A legend in Ger­man racing histo­ry.

Design and equip­ment:
The design of the BMW 328 was not only func­tion­al, but also aes­the­ti­cal­ly plea­sing. Its flowing lines, gent­le cur­ves and tim­e­l­ess exte­ri­or make it a mas­ter­pie­ce of auto­mo­ti­ve design. The inte­ri­or was mini­ma­list in design, yet offe­red maxi­mum com­fort for dri­ver and pas­sen­gers. The high-qua­li­ty mate­ri­als and atten­ti­on to detail empha­sis­ed BMW’s repu­ta­ti­on for qua­li­ty and style.

Many vic­to­ries and top pla­cin­gs in the major races of the time cemen­ted the repu­ta­ti­on of the BMW 328 as a powerful and relia­ble racing car and con­tri­bu­ted to the legen­da­ry sta­tus of this model, of which only 464 were built.

In 1937, our BMW with chas­sis num­ber 85044 was deli­ver­ed to the Auto­trakt com­pa­ny in Bres­lau. The frame was redis­co­ver­ed in 1963 in the coll­ec­tion of Björn Öwre from Oslo. Seve­ral work­shops spe­cia­li­sing in BMW built a tech­ni­cal­ly pro­blem-free and high-qua­li­ty vehic­le with a gre­at deal of exper­ti­se and atten­ti­on to detail.

Let yours­elf be enchan­ted by the charm of a racing icon that is a favou­ri­te at all events. A dream for excur­si­ons and his­to­ric ral­lies.
Our offer is a tru­ly abo­ve-avera­ge vehic­le from a pro­mi­nent pre­vious owner.

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