Aston Mar­tin DB5 Van­ta­ge

Aston Mar­tin – Tim­e­l­ess luxu­ry and racing legend

Racing suc­ces­ses and bru­te per­for­mance data of the road models: Aston Mar­tin has always pri­ded its­elf on being one of the best brands in the sports car seg­ment. If James Bond obvious­ly likes dri­ving Aston Mar­tin, then the­re must be some­thing to the Bri­tish brand’s qua­li­ty. The Aston Mar­tin DB 5 is inex­tri­ca­bly lin­ked with Sean Con­nery and the James Bond film “Gold­fin­ger”.

The Aston Mar­tin DB5 Cou­pe embo­dies the quint­essence of luxu­ry and sports car engi­nee­ring. From its tim­e­l­ess beau­ty to its impres­si­ve per­for­mance, the DB5 is a true mas­ter­pie­ce of auto­mo­ti­ve arti­stry. Aston Mar­tin vehic­les are hand­craf­ted, ensu­ring high qua­li­ty and atten­ti­on to detail. Each car is careful­ly assem­bled by high­ly skil­led craft­smen.

Aston Mar­tin is known for its limi­t­ed pro­duc­tion and bespo­ke opti­ons. This con­tri­bu­tes to the exclu­si­vi­ty and rari­ty of the vehic­les, which increa­ses the fasci­na­ti­on for coll­ec­tors and enthu­si­asts.

A total of 1063 vehic­les of the DB 5 were pro­du­ced in ela­bo­ra­te manu­al work. Of the­se, 164 were cou­pés.  The engi­ne is an in-line six-cylin­der made of light alloy and the body is made of alu­mi­num.

The DB 5 was built from 1963 to 1965.

The vehic­le pre­sen­ted here is one of the few in the cove­ted Van­ta­ge ver­si­on. Com­pared to the stan­dard engi­ne with 282 hp, the engi­ne pro­du­ces approx. 329 hp. A value that was only achie­ved by a few road vehic­les at the time. Many docu­ments and expert reports cer­ti­fy that the vehic­le has been exten­si­ve­ly repai­red and main­tai­ned in Eng­land and Ger­ma­ny sin­ce the 1980s. The cur­rent con­di­ti­on is rated 1 — 2 accor­ding to Clas­sic-Data.

Down­load Expo­sé

Clas­si­cal Instru­ments
Cock­pit on the right
Ele­gan­ce and sport­i­ness from all per­spec­ti­ves
flaw­less gap dimen­si­ons
Meti­cu­lous­ly main­tai­ned tech­no­lo­gy
Bor­ra­ni rims
Super­leg­ge­ra — a spei­cal kind of alu­mi­ni­um body

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