Steyr 220 “Glä­ser” Roads­ter

Rare exo­tic from an Aus­tri­an auto­mo­bi­le manu­fac­tu­rer

Steyr — a small town in Aus­tria and yet an important loca­ti­on in auto­mo­ti­ve histo­ry. The Steyr auto­mo­bi­le fac­to­ry of the same name has made a signi­fi­cant con­tri­bu­ti­on to the histo­ry of auto­mo­bi­le manu­fac­tu­ring, par­ti­cu­lar­ly in Aus­tria. Many of the vehic­les pro­du­ced by Steyr, par­ti­cu­lar­ly from the peri­od befo­re the Second World War, are now cove­ted collector’s items and are regard­ed as sym­bols of qua­li­ty, craft­sman­ship and inno­va­ti­on.

While Steyr was initi­al­ly known pri­ma­ri­ly for agri­cul­tu­ral and simp­ler vehic­les, the com­pa­ny beca­me a serious play­er in the auto­mo­ti­ve indus­try with the 220. In total, over 24,000 units were pro­du­ced in various body vari­ants, inclu­ding by renow­ned body manu­fac­tu­r­ers such as Weins­berg and Glä­ser.

The Glä­ser body of the Steyr 220 Roads­ter is a mas­ter­pie­ce of design and craft­sman­ship. With ele­gant lines and a tim­e­l­ess ele­gan­ce, it embo­dies the style and class of the 1930s. The body is not only aes­the­ti­cal­ly plea­sing, but also aero­dy­na­mi­cal­ly opti­mi­zed to ensu­re opti­mum per­for­mance and effi­ci­en­cy. Equip­ped with a 6‑cylinder in-line engi­ne with 50 — 55 hp, it was suf­fi­ci­ent­ly moto­ri­zed at the time to gain reco­gni­ti­on as a sports car.

The Steyr 220 Roads­ter pre­sen­ted here is one of fewer than 10 cars pro­du­ced. Manu­fac­tu­red in 1939, it alre­a­dy has the fuel pump that was miss­ing in the ear­lier spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons.

The vehic­le was com­ple­te­ly and lovin­g­ly rebuilt with a gre­at deal of exper­ti­se. This can be seen abo­ve all in the detail­ed solu­ti­ons which, whe­re ori­gi­nal parts could not be used, were repro­du­ced at enorm­ous expen­se. It is now in imma­cu­la­te con­di­ti­on.

Down­load Expo­sé

Sport­lich aggre­siv
Meti­cu­lous­ly main­tai­ned tech­no­lo­gy
Fine mate­ri­als with a high-qua­li­ty finish
A spor­ty roads­ter in a tim­e­l­ess color sche­me.
Luxu­rious fur­nis­hings and fit­tings
Uni­que per­spec­ti­ves

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