Mer­ce­des Benz 500 K Cabrio­let B

Legen­da­ry ele­gan­ce: Mer­ce­des-Benz 500 K Cabrio­let B

The 1930s were cha­rac­te­ri­sed by tech­ni­cal inno­va­tions and fur­ther deve­lo­p­ments. The luxu­ry car manu­fac­tu­r­ers out­did them­sel­ves with exclu­si­vi­ty and ever more powerful engi­nes, the pin­na­cle of which were cer­tain­ly the super­char­ged engi­nes from Mer­ce­des Benz.

The Mer­ce­des-Benz 500 K was the suc­ces­sor to the Type 380. It was pre­sen­ted in March 1934 at the Inter­na­tio­nal Auto­mo­bi­le and Motor­cy­cle Exhi­bi­ti­on (IAMA) in Ber­lin. Various body vari­ants of the 500 K were pre­sen­ted the­re, inclu­ding saloons, cou­pés, roadsters and con­ver­ti­bles.

Equip­ped with a 5.0‑litre eight-cylin­der engi­ne and an out­put of 100 hp, it achie­ved around 160 hp with a super­char­ger. This car the­r­e­fo­re offe­red impres­si­ve per­for­mance for its year of con­s­truc­tion. The power and the 4‑speed manu­al gear­box make for an unfor­gettable dri­ving expe­ri­ence.

The Cabrio­let B‑Design is cha­rac­te­ri­sed by its clear lines and the hand­craf­ted inte­ri­or, which is finis­hed with the finest mate­ri­als such as chro­me, wood and lea­ther. The 500 K com­bi­nes the com­fort and tech­no­lo­gy of its time with tim­e­l­ess aes­the­tics.

The oppor­tu­ni­ty to offer a Mer­ce­des Benz 500 K Cabrio­let is rare. The vehic­le pre­sen­ted here has been lovin­g­ly res­to­red and is in excel­lent con­di­ti­on. It is a rari­ty on the mar­ket and is pri­zed by con­nois­seurs and enthu­si­asts. This is a uni­que oppor­tu­ni­ty to acqui­re a Mer­ce­des-Benz 500 K Cabrio­let B from 1935, which embo­dies histo­ry and luxu­ry in every detail.

Many pho­tos and docu­ments docu­ment the histo­ry of this extra­or­di­na­ry vehic­le. A spe­cial pie­ce of Ger­man auto­mo­ti­ve histo­ry. The oppor­tu­ni­ty to acqui­re such a vehic­le is rare.

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