Veri­tas RS

Veri­tas RS – Sculp­tu­re on wheels

Veri­tas — relia­bi­li­ty! This was the name under which racing dri­vers Ernst Loof, Schorsch Mei­er and com­mer­cial mana­ger Lorenz Diet­rich foun­ded the com­pa­ny “Veri­tas — Arbeits­ge­mein­schaft für Sport und Renn­wa­gen­bau” in 1947. Veri­tas GmbH fol­lo­wed in 1948.

Veri­tas is also the sto­ry of the phe­no­me­nal rise and cras­hing fail­ure of a Ger­man racing brand.

Initi­al­ly still under the name BMW-Veri­tas, powerful and very suc­cessful racing and tou­ring sports cars were built as one-offs using pre-war engi­nes, most­ly from BMW 328s, with 1.5 and 2‑liter BMW engi­nes and the simp­lest of means. Their suc­cess prompt­ed BMW VERITAS to ban the refe­rence to BMW engi­nes. This resul­ted in a total of 11 BMW Veri­tas and 25 Veri­tas RS, in addi­ti­on to other models. As gre­at as the sport­ing suc­cess that Veri­tas achie­ved on the race­tracks was, the company’s busi­ness situa­ti­on was less suc­cessful and so it dis­ap­peared again as ear­ly as 1953. Howe­ver, the name Veri­tas beca­me legen­da­ry.

In 1948, Veri­tas acqui­red the chas­sis and engi­nes num­ber 74209 from BMW, which had alre­a­dy been pro­du­ced in 1939, and built a 2‑seater racing sports car based on the BMW 328 Tou­ring NSKK Roads­ter. This vehic­le with the num­ber 5074 ser­ved pri­ma­ri­ly as a demons­tra­ti­on vehic­le and exhi­bit for per­for­mance shows befo­re it was sold to the Swiss racing dri­ver Franz Ham­mer­nick in 1949 as the BMW 328 RS “5074”. In order to be able to com­pe­te in the 1.5 liter class, the engi­ne was down­si­zed accor­din­gly. Equip­ped in this way, Ham­mer­nick won seve­ral Grand Prix races in Switz­er­land. In 1954, the engi­ne capa­ci­ty was increased again to 2 liters.

From 1982 to 1990, the car was exten­si­ve­ly res­to­red with gre­at atten­ti­on to detail and fit­ted with a new alu­mi­num outer skin. In 2015, the new­ly manu­fac­tu­red body­work was sever­ely dama­ged by the extin­gu­is­hing agent when a car­bu­re­tor fire was extin­gu­is­hed, so it was deci­ded to res­to­re and reinstall the ori­gi­nal body­work manu­fac­tu­red in 1949. The body was not repain­ted after­wards, so the high qua­li­ty of the res­to­ra­ti­on work can be admi­red.

While an engi­ne with approx. 1,500 cc was used in the races, the ori­gi­nal engi­ne with the num­ber 74209 is now back in the vehic­le.

Fin­ding a Veri­tas RS is very dif­fi­cult due to the small num­ber of vehic­les pro­du­ced, and when a vehic­le does come onto the mar­ket, it has usual­ly been brought to its cur­rent con­di­ti­on using many rebuilt com­pon­ents. A vehic­le with a high degree of authen­ti­ci­ty and a traceable histo­ry is a spe­cial fea­ture. Ori­gi­nal sub­s­tance is sim­ply not repro­du­ci­b­le.

Down­load Expo­sé

Aero­dy­na­mics with Brook­lands winds­hields
Per­fect recon­s­truc­tion of the ori­gi­nal body
Spor­ty aggres­si­ve
Power sta­ti­on
Cock­pit in racing out­fit

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