Wel­co­me to Tho­mas H. Rupf Car­ru­ca Clas­sic Cars

Sin­ce 2003, I have been pas­sio­na­te­ly dedi­ca­ted to tra­ding in clas­sic cars, espe­ci­al­ly pre-World War II models. Through my in-depth know­ledge and tire­less com­mit­ment, I have gai­ned an excel­lent repu­ta­ti­on in the world of clas­sic cars, both natio­nal­ly and inter­na­tio­nal­ly.

My team and I fol­low a clear and con­sis­tent phi­lo­so­phy: we want to pro­vi­de our cus­to­mers — clas­sic car enthu­si­asts and coll­ec­tors — with uni­que moments of hap­pi­ness. We achie­ve this through con­ti­nui­ty, a respectful approach to values and a shared pas­si­on for the­se tim­e­l­ess vehic­les.

Our pro­mi­se

Con­ti­nui­ty: · Con­ti­nui­ty: We offer con­sis­tent qua­li­ty and relia­bi­li­ty based on years of expe­ri­ence and in-depth mar­ket know­ledge.

Respect: We tre­at every vehic­le with the utmost app­re­cia­ti­on and care it deser­ves.

Pas­si­on: Our dedi­ca­ti­on to clas­sic auto­mo­bi­les is reflec­ted in every aspect of our busi­ness.

Dis­co­ver the fasci­na­ting world of clas­sic cars with us and expe­ri­ence the magic of bygo­ne times in every vehic­le we offer. Immer­se yours­elf in a time when auto­mo­ti­ve art and craft­sman­ship were in harm­o­ny and let yours­elf be enchan­ted by the uni­que ele­gan­ce and charm of our vehic­les.

Tho­mas H. Rupf Car­ru­ca Clas­sic Cars — whe­re your pas­si­on for clas­sic cars is what dri­ves us.

Tho­mas H. Rupf

A small sel­ec­tion of our cur­rent ran­ge

Immer­se yours­elf in the fasci­na­ting world of our clas­sic cars and dis­co­ver extra­or­di­na­ry auto­mo­bi­les that will make your heart beat fas­ter. Each of our vehic­les tells its own sto­ry and has the power to trans­port you back to bygo­ne eras.

Let yours­elf be infec­ted by the pas­si­on of our team and find your dream car with us, with which you will expe­ri­ence uni­que moments.

Car­ru­ca on Insta­gram

We would be deligh­ted to take you on an exclu­si­ve tour of our exci­ting ever­y­day life. Expe­ri­ence the arri­val of new vehic­les in our show­room and be inspi­red by impres­si­ons from trade fairs and events to expe­ri­ence the fasci­na­ting world of the auto­mo­ti­ve indus­try up clo­se. Dis­co­ver our pas­si­on for clas­sic cars and expe­ri­ence uni­que moments on our Insta­gram chan­nel!

Tho­mas Hans Rupf

“Tra­ding the worlds most beau­tiful rare and clas­sic cars.”

Upco­ming events

We are pre­sent at sel­ec­ted expos and ral­lies and look for­ward to mee­ting as many enthu­si­asts and fri­ends of clas­sic cars as pos­si­ble.

Cont­act form

We look for­ward to wel­co­ming you to our com­pa­ny. To allow enough time for a per­so­nal con­sul­ta­ti­on, plea­se make an appoint­ment using our cont­act form.

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